Community Support

What can we fund?
The SHMH Foundation has a mandate to financially support health-related activities in the Constituency of Pictou West. The following gives guidance in this regard:
Our Foundation exists to support…
- The acquisition of equipment, land and/or premises, capital improvements for the Sutherland Harris Memorial Hospital (and any successor facility) and the payment of any expense related to said facility, with said gifts to be provided to the owner and operator of said facility, the Nova Scotia Health Authority (or its successor).
- Supporting education,including without limitation by the delivery of scholarships and grants. The Foundation gives out $1,000 scholarships each year to Grade 12 and Post-Secondary Students studying in the field of Health Sciences.
- Supporting health care delivery within Pictou West and…
- GIving funds to qualified donees as defined in subsection 149.1(1) of the Income Tax Act but subject to the above.
How do we define “health care delivery”?
We use the definitions provided by the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) in their “Promotion of Health and Charitable Registration” Guidance Document (CG-021, issued Aug 27, 2013). This document breaks “health care delivery” into four distinct categories:
- Core Health Care – diagnosing and treating health conditions, assisting with rehabilitation, protecting and maintaining public health
- Supportive Health Care – providing support to individuals diagnosed with health conditions or their caregivers and families.
- Protective Health Care – Saving people when lives are in danger by providing health-related emergency services
- Health care products.
Our charitable donations budget for 2022 – 23 has been allocated, and we will not be taking in new proposals until June 2023.